Title: Digital Technology for Resilience Planning and Due Diligence Tool Description: This tool seeks to provide a simple framework for … More
Tag: agriculture
ICT in Agriculture e-Sourcebook, Module 15
This module focuses on using digital technology for remote sensing, crowdsourcing, and big data to unlock the potential of agricultural data.
E-Agriculture Strategy Guide
This comprehensive guide aims to help governments develop national e-agriculture strategies.
Social Media Handbook for Agricultural Development Practitioners
This toolkit is designed to help organizations use social media to complement their existing and future agricultural communications efforts.
Interactive Radio for Agricultural Development Projects
This toolkit is designed to help organizations working with farmers use interactive radio to augment the traditional agricultural extension services they are providing.
Integrating Low-Cost Video into Agriculture Development Projects
This toolkit is designed to help organizations working with farmers use low-cost video to augment the traditional agricultural development activities and extension services they are providing.